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Posted by : asfazakaria Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Perhaps, of all the people in person’s life, family holds a special place. It is mother who brings her children into the world. It was father who teaches them their first words and it was their siblings who mould their characters. My family is such a pleasant and amiable family. I am very blissful to be one of the members of this wonderful family. My father is a well built and of medium height. Born on June 1957, he is 58 years old this year. He is a hardworking person. Knowing the importance of education, he always tells us to study seriously for our future. Being dependable, I am comfortable to tell all my problems to my mother. She had remained as a housewife ever since her marriage with my father. I have five siblings; two older sisters and two older brothers.I'm a youngest sister.Being the youngest is quite happy because they always pay attention to me.Now,only me is studying in universities for my degrees.I also have two nephew and they call me 'asu'. For a conclusion, I hope we can be together for a very long time. I will always pray for our glory in life and hereafter. They are the best for me. Even if I get the chance to be born again, I wish I will only become the member of this family. Nobody can replace them in my heart.

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